A great crowd at
COMMA for 2nd Tuesday Gallery reception. This month it’s all about the citrus.
Celebrating Citrus: Taste is a wonderful variety of paintings, with some of the artists hanging around.
If you are ever in the Orlando area, stop on in. You may just be walking out with a fabulous original. Every so often, like this exhibit Karen shows many local artists. Overall, throughout the gallery there is an eclectic array of local and international artists.
There are also several studios rented out. This is a fantastic way to see some artists in action.
Several people have already gotten to see
Elizabeth St. Hilaire Nelson’s paper skirt. I got to see it tonight and, it’s even more fantastic in person. Elizabeth style is ‘Paper Paintings’. And the skirt; is her work printed out, then lamenated and then she cut and sewed it. This is a brilliant way to wear art. I would suggest to check out her
website and

Robin Maria Pedrero primarily is know for her pastel portraits and purple landscapes. In this show she branched out with different mediums and injected brighter colors into this fun piece.

I have known
Chere Force through the
Orlando International FRINGE Festival. But was pleasantly surprised to find out she’s also an artist. Her citrus creation made me smile.

The show runs through April 10