Tuesday, April 29, 2014

DiskArt Paintings

CD/DVD RIPLEY by Bonnie Sprung ©

This painting can be seen at Ripley's Believe It or Not! in San Fransisco, CA.

There are 150 disks. Each CD and DVD were painted with a variety of acrylic colors; then linked together. The portrait of Robert Ripley was then painted in oils. Along with the final framing the total size is 4'5"x5'5".

When I delivered RIPLEY to the FL warehouse
On May 2, 2014 I debuted a new DiskArt Painting at Faith Arts Village Orlando (FAVO)  221 East Colonial Drive Orlando, FL 32801.

This new DiskArt painting has a total of 207 CD's. What is different from the RIPLEY is that the disks are layered giving it a 3D look. The final size is 5'5"x4'2". The painting is also a portrait of Louis Armstrong and called CD 3D LOUIE.

CD 3D LOUIE by Bonnie Sprung ©2014

 CD 3D LOUIE has been hanging since May in the Casselberry City Hall, FL. On Sept. 5, 2014 it will hang for a one day show at the Downtown Orlando University Club. This painting is still for sale. 

Hanging at Casselberry City Hall, Florida

My DiskArt are created with CD/DVD disks that were old, worn and bad. So instead of them going into the garbage or recycle bin, they have found their way to me and I turned them into cool art. I am always in need of them, so before you toss any, please send them my way. I will give them a new life. One that will put smiles on faces in a new way.