303 E. Altamonte Dr., Ste. 1225
Altamonte Springs, FL 32701
“Meet the Artist”
wine/cheese/jazz reception
May 10, 2012, 6 to 8 pm.
Admission is free.
Watery Landscapes • Hidden Word Series
Each painting has a word hidden within the trees and landscape.
Each painting makes you look, think and smile.
Each expresses a word of motivation.
I love painting trees.
My inspiration comes from the waterways of Florida.
In my earlier paintings I worked from black and white photos that
I had taken of some of the rivers I lived near.
St. Johns River was one that I had photographed several times.
Over the years my style of painting had gone from
realistic to impressionistic or a combination of.
My most recent work has brought two loves together.
The love of trees and the love of motivational words.
As a kid like many others you would lay on your back and
look up into the sky to see the formations of what
the clouds looked like to you.
Sometimes you look at trees and the nature around
and you would do the same.
In my Hidden Word Series, I took artistic license to create a painting
first visually beautiful as a tree landscape,
then you would have to look a bit harder to see the word.
Some are more easily visible, others will take a few more minutes to see.
I hope you enjoy what I have started and will continue to paint.
There are many more words of motivation
that will inspire me and I hope you too.
All my original work and prints are for sale.
I am also happy to do commissioned work too.
If you would like to be placed on my once a
month Studio News email
that will let you know what show I will be doing,
Thanks and See You at the Next Show
"Can You Find The Act" |
"Can You See Wise" |